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Guitar Solo Hymns Ebook Vol.7 'FAITH' is now available! :)

I give thanks to our Heavenly Father for the insipiration behind my music! Great news, friends! I'm excited to share that my seventh guitar hymn eBook is now available! You can click below to purchase it. This collection celebrates faith in God through inspiring melodies and heartfelt lyrics. I truly appreciate your support, and I hope you find joy and inspiration in this new addition to your musical library! Guitar Solo Hymns eBook Vol.7 HERE ► Song List:Be Thou My Vision, Great Is Thy Faithfulness, I’d Rather Have Jesus, Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus, What God Hath Promised, Only Trust Him, I Have Decided to Follow Jesus, My Faith Has Found a Resting Place, Faith of Our Fathers, How...

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ZOOM 網上吉他教學

歡迎來到KIMMY吉他網上課程!現報名第一個月可享9折優惠!優惠期至11月份20日,報名從速!   Kimmy吉他教室網上教學已經開始接受預約,課程以廣東話/國語在ZOOM或FACETIME線上進行,歡迎台灣、香港或海外有興趣人士報讀。 全新Zoom/FaceTime 網上教學,不再受地點限制,不管你在世界的哪個國家或城市,都可以與我們同步學習! 全新精心設計的教學系列,輕鬆不用出門的網上課程,歡迎您和您的朋友一同報名。 課程一覽:   個人/小組(自組)課程 古典吉他課程: 教會詩歌吉他課程: 流行木吉他課程:   Facebook: Instagram:: YouTube:

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Guitar Solo Hymns Ebook Vol.5 for Children is out now!

Hi everyone, I'm really happy to tell you that my guitar solo hymns ebook vol.5 for children is now out. Thanks God 15 pieces including 'Jesus Loves Me', 'Oh, How I Love Jesus', 'All Night, All Day', 'God Is So Good', 'He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands' & 'This Is My Father’s World' etc. Guitar Solo Hymns eBook Vol.5 for Children HERE ► Demonstration video of all songs was uploaded on my YouTube channel HERE

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[New Video & Sheet Tab] Lead Me To Calvary

Here is my guitar arrangement of Lead Me To Calvary. This song touches my heart every time I hear it. I arranged it for and played on classical guitar. Hope you enjoy! Full video link on YouTube here: - "But God demonstrates this own LOVE for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8 「惟有基督在我們還作罪人的時候為我們死,神的愛就在此向我們顯明了。」羅馬書‬ ‭5:8‬ ‭  

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