I'm glad to share my guitar arrangement of "Here I Am To Worship". Hope you enjoy it and praise to the Lord.
🎼Sheet music TAB available HERE ► https://mymusic.st/kimmykwong/67047
All My Sheet Music & ebooks Tab pdf for Worship and Hymns HERE ► https://bit.ly/2RLU6HF
🎤Light of the world
You stepped down into darkness...
Hi guys, I feel so excited because my second volume of guitar solo hymns ebook for Christmas is available now! You can print it out or view it on tablet, computer or smartphones.
👉 https://kimmykwong.com/products/guitar-solo-hymns-ebook-vol-2-christmas 🎶
🎼[Guitar Solo Hymns] songbook Vol.2 for Christmas - pieces including “Hark The Herald Angels Sing”, “O Come All Ye Faithful”, “O Holy Night”, “Joy To The World”, etc.
Demonstration video playlist of Guitar Solo Hymns Vol.2 for Christmas on youtube Here ►https://bit.ly/3D9eXar
Thanks God :)
Hope you enjoy my guitar arrangement of "The Heart of Worship" and praise to the Lord.
Guitar sheet music Tabs Available HERE ► https://mymusic.st/kimmykwong/78879
When the music fades
All is stripped away
And I simply come...
Happy Valentine's Day ! Here is my guitar arrangement of 《愛是不保留Unreserved Love》. The full video on Youtube here: https://youtu.be/-n2H-RB-av4
「...基督的愛是何等長闊高深,並知道這愛是過於人所能測度的...」 以弗所書3:18-19
「...how wide and long and high and deep is tthe love of Christ and to know this love that surpasses knowledge...」Ephesians 3:18-19
"I've always been told love won't endure.
Nowhere can one find love long and true..."
Happy New Year! Hope you enjoy my guitar arrangement of In Christ Alone. It's based on Owl City's recording.
The sheet guitar TAB: https://www.mymusicsheet.com/kimmykwong/55796
「This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a NEW LIFE has begun!」2 Corinthians 5:17
「若有人在基督裏,他就是新造的人,舊事已過,都變成新的了!」哥林多後書 5:17