Thanks everyone for your support! My sixth volume of guitar solo hymns ebook: peace is available now! You can print it out or view it on tablet, laptop, computer or smartphones. Song List:Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty, The Lord’s My Shepherd, I’ll Not Want, God Will Take Care of You, Wonderful Peace, Come Thou Long Expected Jesus, The Haven of Rest, Now Thank We All Our God, He Hideth My Soul, My Jesus, I Love Thee, I’ve Got Peace Like A River, Like A River Glorious, All The Way My Savior Leads Me, O God, Our Help in Ages Past, Grace Greater Than Our Sin & Shall We Gather At the River John 14:27 Peace I leave with you; my...
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Hi everyone, this is one of my favourite Christian song. I hope you enjoy my guitar arrangement. Blessings:)
🎼Sheet Music Tabs available HERE ► All My Sheet Music & eBooks Tab pdf for Worship and Hymns HERE ►
Here is one of my favourite Cantonese pop song "海闊天空" by Beyond band. This song is not a Christian song but it has some meaningful lyrics and beautiful melody. I hope you will enjoy and like it.
Hi guys, I feel so excited because my third volume of guitar solo hymns ebook for Easter is available now! You can print it out or view it on tablet, laptop, computer or smartphones.
[Guitar Solo Hymns] songbook Vol.3 for Easter - pieces including 'Christ the Lord Is Risen Today', 'Jesus Paid It All', 'The Old Rugged Cross', 'Blessed Assurance', 'Christ Arose' etc.
Thanks God! :)