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[New Video] 愛是不保留Unreserved Love

Happy Valentine's Day ! Here is my guitar arrangement of 《愛是不保留Unreserved Love》. The full video on Youtube here: 祝大家情人節快樂 「...基督的愛是何等長闊高深,並知道這愛是過於人所能測度的...」 以弗所書3:18-19 「 wide and long and high and deep is tthe love of Christ and to know this love that surpasses knowledge...」Ephesians 3:18-19 "常聽說世界愛沒長久,哪裡會有愛無盡頭? 塵俗的愛只在乎曾擁有,一刻燦爛便要走!....." "I've always been told love won't endure. Nowhere can one find love long and true..."

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[New Video] In Christ Alone

Happy New Year! Hope you enjoy my guitar arrangement of In Christ Alone. It's based on Owl City's recording. The sheet guitar TAB: 「This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a NEW LIFE has begun!」2 Corinthians 5:17 「若有人在基督裏,他就是新造的人,舊事已過,都變成新的了!」哥林多後書 5:17

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Kimmy Guitar Studio's Students Guitar Concert 甘美結他教室主辦-學生結他音樂會2020

今年學生音樂原本在9月份舉行,但因疫情關係延遲至11月22日星期日在文化中心排演室舉行,因場地只可容納原定的一半觀眾,所以如有興趣來支持的朋友,請先與本教室或甘美結他導師聯絡留位!希望能夠到時見到大家 :) 以下是有關節目的詳情和內容: Date:22 Nov 2020 (Sunday)Time: 4:15pm - 5:45pmVenue:Rehearsal Room GR3, HK Cultural CentreTicket: Free (Contact us for reserving your seat) Performers: 李冠勳 Frankie韓偉磷 Eric Hon鄭學琳 Helen Cheng何紫玲 Lingo Ho黃碩鋒 Timmy Wong梁煜文 Billy Wong甄肇權 Cyrus Yan黃宛婷 Ding Wong鄺嘉媚 Kimmy Kwong黃偉傑 Keith Wong (Percussion) Programme: Rondo in D - F. Carulli Sons de Carrilhões - João PernambucoEtude No.13, Op.60 - Matteo CarcassiLagrima - Francisco TarregaFrench Lullaby - David BrandonEl Testamento - Miguel LlobetEjercico No.9 - Jose FerrerEtude No.1(Estudios Sencillos) - Leo BrouwerCanco de lladre - Miguel Llobet Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing - John Wyeth, arr. Kimmy KwongVals Venezolano No.2 - Antonio Lauro  Etude No.11 - Leo Brouwer Etude No.1 - H. Villa Lobos Sakura, Theme and Variations - arr....

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